As an individual with a bleeding disorder, you may have concerns and want to know about the opportunities HF Healthcare (HF) has for you. We understand that all patients have unique needs and it is not a one-size-fits-all approach. We service patients who are very young to fully grown adults and offer special services to meet each individual or family’s needs. Our primary goal is to empower our patients as mentors.
We’re More Than A Specialty Pharmacy
We are continuously reaching out to our patients with information, research and support with social media. We offer at home and in the community educational and social events. We have hosted surfing classes, camping trips to Tahoe, and fish excursions to keep patients connected and active. Our patient advocates and employees attend meetings in Sacramento and participate in legislative matters that advocate specifically for the needs of bleeding disorder patients.
Keeping You Out of the Hospital is Our Main Priority
HF Healthcare (HF) arranges skilled nursing by nurses that have experience in treatment and wound management for this disease state. Our staff and patient advocates are available 24 hours a day to meet any emergent needs that might arise. We offer transportation to appointments and community events. HF is committed to getting factor to you when you need it, regardless of the circumstances.
Customized Medication & Supply Delivery
HF Healthcare obtains and ships home infusion therapies to your home and customizes the order to your specific needs. Unique ancillary supplies, vitamins and oral medications can be sent to your home by your request. We have a staff that listens to patients needs and finds ways to create solutions.
For more information about our services and modalities to your care, click here.